
Made in collaboration with Zhang Yang


Exhibition History

Antipodal, University at Buffalo Art Gallery (2018)
Tsinghua University Gallery, Beijing, China (2019)
Action Hybride, Paris, France (2020)
Photophobia, Art Gallery of Hamilton & Hamilton Artists, Inc., Canada (2021)

A collaborative piece by K. MacNeil and Zhang Yang, 2018.
Video Installation, 7m 37s looped.

Cartography, Volume I explores notions of the body as a physical manifestation of the psychological. Each part of the body has a different story to tell. Whether it is a scar, birthmark, or otherwise - visible or invisible - these parts are signifiers of cultural, familial, and personal histories. Through mapping the physical body, MacNeil and Zhang are able to unravel contexts beyond what lies skin-deep. 

This work was displayed at the University at Buffalo Art Gallery in the summer of 2018. Two separate videos were displayed from two projectors across the room from each other. The videos looped indefinitely, with no intentional synchronization. The video below gives an example of how they may have synchronized at one point in the installation.

Photos courtesy of Mark Snyder.